Friday 14 August 2009

Luddite blogging

Ever since that fateful day a couple of months ago (a particularly grotty day in the office, lots of computer problems) I've identified in myself, for want of a better word, 'Luddite' tendencies which have led to the creation of this blog. The mere idea of a Luddite blog (in the modern day definition of the term) is of course strange in itself, but this becomes all the more curious when you consider this is written by a person who regularly emails, texts, and uses Facebook and Twitter. Part of this very entry was written on my mobile phone on the 1630 train home and posted to the 'net before I pulled into the station. So I am clearly not opposed to technology.

So, what's my problem, then? Well, it's not the tech I have an issue with, it's how it is used... If used properly the tools of the 21st Century can be beneficial, freeing man from his problems, enabling him to do much more than he ever could before. He can communicate with others, feel part of a community, live a life worth living. Used in the wrong way technology can enslave man, preventing freedom, fuelling greed and negative feelings.

Surely you can't be serious, I hear you ask? Oh yes. I've seen things this very month that have reinforced my views.

In the last month I've worked alongside folk with a variety of physical disabilities, using modern tech in the best possible way, to live real and satisfying lives. It was great - and I want to see more of this, to be part of this. While I was away from home, I kept in daily touch with my loved ones on my mobile, and Facebook.

But on the other hand there are always instances in the modern world where technology is used not to benefit man but to benefit production - to speed up work, so one man can do the job of four. And so three men lose their jobs! That's not improving life, that's just economics!

The sort of Luddism I embrace is one centred on social justice, not opposition to technological advancement. And isn't that really what Luddism is all about... isn't it?

Wednesday 5 August 2009


Hardware: where the people in your company's software section will tell you the problem is.
Software: where the people in your company's hardware section will tell you the problem is.

(Dave Barry, Claw Your Way to the Top)

It's all too true nowadays, with complex computer systems, that the 'experts' on the Help Desk (sic) of your local IT Department often don't have a clue as to why your computer system won't work, or is doing what is does. And that's understandable, because modern-day computer systems are all too complicated. It could be a software problem or a hardware problem. Frequently it's a user problem (because you pressed the wrong keys, dummy! Or fiddled with the settings!).
The modern-day man in the street is ignorant of these complexities, just wanting the system to work for him. However, the more functionality we are offered as a consumer, the more complicated our systems become - and the more complicated our lives become.

Simpler is better.